serum osmolality

DNA microarray studies and incorporates methods developed by leading statistical
enomic, transcript and protein sequence records derived from data in public sequence archives and from computation, curation and collaboration The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Reference Sequence (RefSeq) database is a collection of annotated genomic, transcript and protein sequence records derived from data in public sequence archives and from computation, curation and collaboration. We report […]

genetically encoded, easily imaged reporters crucial in biology and biotechnology
Fluorescent proteins are genetically encoded, simply imaged reporters essential in biology and biotechnology. Fluorescent proteins are genetically encoded, simply imaged reporters essential in biology and biotechnology. When a protein is tagged by fusion to a fluorescent protein, interactions between fluorescent proteins can undesirably disturb concentrating on or perform. Sadly, all wild-type yellow-to-red fluorescent proteins reported thus far […]